Microdot: Yet Another Python Web Framework

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I just realized that I have never written on this blog about Microdot, my very own web framework for Python. I have released Microdot 2.0 a few days ago, so I guess this is a good time to make a belated announcement, and tell you why this world needs yet another Python web framework.

But before I tell you about the reasons and the history of Microdot, let me share some of its features:

  • Flask-like syntax, but without the magical/obscure parts (no application/request contexts)
  • Small enough to work with MicroPython, while also being compatible with CPython
  • Fully compatible with asyncio
  • Websocket support
  • Server-Sent Events (SSE) support
  • Templating support with Jinja (CPython) and uTemplate (MicroPython)
  • Cross-Origin Request Sharing (CORS) support
  • User sessions stored on cryptographically signed cookies
  • Uses its own minimal web server on MicroPython, and integrates with any ASGI or WSGI web servers on CPython
  • Included test client to use in unit tests

Interested? Keep reading to learn more about Microdot.

Video: MicroPython Heats My Home

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In this video I discuss a little MicroPython based project that I implemented in my home to improve the efficiency of the heating controller.

MicroPython and the Internet of Things, Part VI: Working with a Screen

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In this chapter your microcontroller gets an important upgrade with the addition of a screen!

If you want to see me and hear me explain everything in this tutorial, I encourage you to purchase the video version from my Courses site. Not only it will make for a better learning experience, but you'll also be supporting my effort in keeping my blog updated with relevant content. Thank you!

MicroPython and the Internet of Things, Part V: Temperature and Humidity

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In this chapter I'm going to show you how to work with a temperature and humidity sensor.

If you want to see me and hear me explain everything in this tutorial, I encourage you to purchase the video version from my Courses site. Not only it will make for a better learning experience, but you'll also be supporting my effort in keeping my blog updated with relevant content. Thank you!

MicroPython and the Internet of Things, Part IV: Wi-Fi and the Cloud

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In this chapter I'm going to show you how to use the Wi-Fi capabilities of the ESP8266 chip.

If you want to see me and hear me explain everything in this tutorial, I encourage you to purchase the video version from my Courses site. Not only it will make for a better learning experience, but you'll also be supporting my effort in keeping my blog updated with relevant content. Thank you!

MicroPython and the Internet of Things, Part III: Building a MicroPython Application

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In this chapter you are going to learn how to write standalone MicroPython applications and upload them to your microcontroller board.

If you want to see me and hear me explain everything in this tutorial, I encourage you to purchase the video version from my Courses site. Not only it will make for a better learning experience, but you'll also be supporting my effort in keeping my blog updated with relevant content. Thank you!

MicroPython and the Internet of Things, Part II: Hello, MicroPython!

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In this chapter you are going to learn how to install and use MicroPython on your ESP8266 microcontroller board.

If you want to see me and hear me explain everything in this tutorial, I encourage you to purchase the video version from my Courses site. Not only it will make for a better learning experience, but you'll also be supporting my effort in keeping my blog updated with relevant content. Thank you!

MicroPython and the Internet of Things, Part I: Welcome

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Welcome to my MicroPython and the Internet of Things tutorial!

In this first part I want to give you a brief overview of what this tutorial is about, and more importantly, provide you the list of components that you are going to need.

Introducing My MicroPython Tutorial

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I'm happy to announce a new multi-part tutorial that I will soon begin publishing on this blog and several other platforms. The tutorial is titled MicroPython and the Internet of Things and is a beginner tutorial that will introduce you to the exciting world of microcontrollers and small-form Internet enabled devices.